Zenyth: Back to Brilliance 

12-Week Coaching Program

The Ideal Woman

This program is designed for women leaders, entrepreneurs, and professional moms who want to balance their careers and families.

These women hold significant roles in their professional and personal lives. They are leaders, business owners, or moms who balance demanding careers with family responsibilities.

These women often face high levels of stress, burnout, and overwhelm due to their multifaceted roles and the constant pressure to excel.

Meet Your Coach

Meet Claire O'Connor, your coach and program facilitator. As the heart and soul behind Zenyth: Back to Brilliance, Claire brings over 20 years of teaching, coaching, sporting success, and global travel to this transformative program.

A mom of two and a successful business owner, she understands the unique challenges faced by women in leadership and professional moms.

Her extensive research and personal experiences have shaped this 12-week program, helping every woman rediscover their confidence, power, and unique brilliance.

Meet Your Guest Experts 

Kaleigh Newby

An iEQ9 Accredited Practitioner and Certified Consultant. Kaleigh is our guest for one week and takes clients through a full enneagram evaluation and testing, going deep into their personalities. 

Einat Shinar

A holistic nutrition, mindset, and wellness coach with a specialty in Menopause. Einat joins us for one week guiding you on how to boost energy, lose weight, and sleep better through a thoughtful and insightful session. 

zenyth’s eight pillars

The eight main pillars of the program are broken down and used throughout the 12-Week Program. 

  • Your journey begins in this 12-week program by taking five carefully chosen evaluations, all geared towards holistic evaluation. 

    This Self-Discovery Evaluation Pack includes: 

    - The Wheel of Life

    - Beck’s Anxiety Inventory

    - Maslach’s Burnout Inventory

    - Strengths Assessment

    - Disc Assessment. 

    Using these five initial evaluations, you will immediately access a concrete, score-based approach to a deepened sense of self as we work together to align your personal and professional lives.

  • This includes my proprietary study plan featuring expert insights and strategies. Meaning I will teach you the ins & outs of overcoming stress, burnout, and feeling as though you’re living “out of balance.”

    This consists of: 

    1. Understanding Burnout 

    2. Personal Strengths & Core Values 

    3. Establishing Boundaries 

    4. Journaling & Self Reflection 

    5. Relationships to Self & Others 

    6. The Cognitive Triangle, Cognitive Distortions, & Re-Framing

    7. Identifying Joy & Finding Flow 

    8. How to Future Proof Your Life 

    9. Extended Learnings & Recommendations

  • This includes live weekly group coaching calls to learn and explore new tools using real-life scenarios. The coaching calls create accountability and space for deep reflection and detailed feedback.

    It ensures motivation to keep moving forward. Our calls together, sharing a learning space with other women, ensure that deep learning from each other is organic and navigated instinctively by Claire, who elicits high-quality opportunities for you to enhance brain neuroplasticity and a growth mindset.

    These shared experiences, specific questioning, and deep probing develop strong relationships, resilience, and a space where you are safe, seen, and supported. Claire’s coaching is strategically designed to be “bite-sized” and achievable each week to combat any sign of overwhelm or feelings of failure.

  • This includes my practical learning suite, a holistic suite of tools, cognitive behavioural strategies, and transformative everyday life hacks that can immediately transform your everyday life.

    I coach you on how to use practical “in the moment” tools for everyday feelings of overwhelm, stress, and anxiety to help you handle life better. (and that includes tools for kids.)

  • This includes personalized, bite-sized weekly journaling prompts and exercises. This means you’ll have powerful tools to process emotions and gain clarity as you reflect on what you’re grateful for, what went well, how you can improve, and how to identify one big goal to accomplish each day, week, or month of your life. 

    Creating space for self-reflection is a powerful way to recognize your wins and daily progress. I will prompt this throughout the program, creating unparalleled self-awareness that will future-proof your life.

  • There’s a growing awareness of sleep's importance and its impact on overall health. Circadian health focuses on improving sleep quality by tracking and observing one’s circadian rhythm to establish healthy bedtime routines and address sleep problems. 

    Over the 12-week program, we will track sleep habits and establish new habits to improve overall sleep quality, ward off the huge risk of disease, and improve the overall quality of life.

  • This includes Circle direct messaging access between calls, where you can ask questions and solve challenges. 

    This means you will have the founder and creator of this program walking alongside you, so you never have a chance to feel alone. My personal weekly 1:1 check-ins foster trust, empathy, and a deep understanding of each client’s journey through the 12-week program.

  • This includes an invitation to our member-only private community. You can use this to meet, learn from, and connect with other women just like you who are working towards transformation. 

    Celebrating your wins and cheering on the wins of others is paramount to eliminating overwhelm and staying in a place of inspiration.

Next Steps

If you are interested in this program and believe you would be a good fit for the Zenyth community, the next step is to book a free 30-minute call with Claire. 

This call will give you a chance to get to know Claire and for her to get to know you, too.

She is very careful about who joins the program, ensuring they are aligned with it and the overall Zenyth community. 

The next program starts on Wednesday, September 11 (six available spaces).

Our Lifetime Guarantee

Zenyth for Life: We guarantee you lifetime access to me through the Zenyth platform and community.

If you ever feel stuck in life, you can join a coaching call and access your course's Circle resources at no additional cost.